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Once upon a time, there was a very young, very naïve girl who believed, truly believed that the world was good. That deep down, people were good, no matter what they looked like, no matter where they came from. She believed that no place in the world was better than another and that even walking into the forest at night was only temporary darkness, for the sun would always return.



The princess saw what she hadn't on their climb before: a cave. Fearing for Wick's life, she dragged him, gently, toward the cave, deep in, where the snow and the cold couldn't find them. She took off her cloak and threw it over the two of them, crawling to hold him close and warm his body. She could see his lips beginning to turn blue, and she wept, fearing that the stupid, stupid thing he had done to save her had cost his life. She leaned over and put her lips to his, warming them. She held him, beginning to shiver herself from fear and cold. Long into the night she held him this way, afraid. His breathing shallow, she kissed him again, knowing there was nothing more she could do for him. Finally, hours, perhaps years later, he took a deep breath. He did not wake, but his cheeks began to warm. She held him to her and cried as sleep took her.



So you scared the fox away with your reflection?



I don’t understand your fancy words, but sometimes rabbits can be scary.



The girl looked into the clearing she had run from. Where the men still beat bushes trying to find her.



I’m very small



But maybe you can be scary too.



Maybe I can be scary too.

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